• honeysucklefarm.ok@gmail.com

Where did this blog go?!

Where did this blog go?!

I posted a grand total of ONE time last year and that was my New Year’s resolution post. *Wow* Last year was crazy but I probably could have done better than one post. Although to give myself some credit- I’ve had 3 different jobs in the last 2 years in addition to some other much-less-than-desirable life events- just the way life happened. I’m in a more steady job and one I love now so maybe in 2015 I can get it together in regard to my blog. I had quite the scare this morning because when I tried to log on to my blog it said this account had been deleted and purged. *YIKES!* I was just on it a couple days ago. I was panicked. I finally went into my email to see if they had sent me an email about it and I missed it. Nope. No email like that but I found one that said I had logged on from a new device in 2013 so I ran with it and clicked “change my password”. Well, Livejournal let me change my password and here I am- into my account and with all my previous posts in place. Whew! That’s great news since one of my goals this year is to join my sister-in-law in blogging our respective genealogies. You can find my sister-in-law’s blog at Down in the Root Cellar.
In review, last year’s resolutions were:
Um…yeah. Apparently they didn’t make it all the way to the blog. 2013 goals also didn’t make it to the blog. Things may be worse than I thought here. As I recall, my 2014 target ancestor was Minerva Underwood (under “research goal”). I *think* my writing goal remained the same which was to blog consistently (obviously a major fail on my part). I have no idea if I retained the goal of organizing my genealogy. If I did, rest assured that was also a fail. In regard to the sharing goal, I did share information but still have not gotten around to publishing which is what I would ultimately like to do.
I fashioned my goal-setting from Amy Coffin’s We Tree blog goals for 2012 with a nod to her thoughts on goals. I did add two goal categories to hers- a sharing goal (added previously and continuing) and a self-improvement goal (new for this year).
So…drum roll please…my new 2015 goals include:
1. To learn more about my great-great-great-grandmother’s family (Mary Elizabeth LANE). (Research goal)
2. To blog consistently using No Story Too Small’s 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks Challenge as an inspiration. I will be doing this alongside my sister-in-law who will be using the same challenge and blogging at Down in the Root Cellar. (Writing goal)
3. To start over in reviewing and organizing my family history utilizing ideas from Thomas MacEntee’s Genealogy Do-Over Challenge. (Organizing goal)
4. To share some of the family history and research with relatives by publishing. To help me with this I’ll be attending Thomas MacEntee’s and Lisa Alzo’s Genealogy Self-Publishing Bootcamp online. (Sharing goal)
5. To attend a conference/workshop/educational event. This year’s choice is Family History Conference of Northwest Arkansas 2015. I’ll be attending with my mom and hopefully my sister-in-law. (Self-Improvement Goal)
This is an incredibly ambitious goal for someone who only made one blog post last year and hasn’t been able to get resolutions on the blog for 2 years but like Amy Coffin said- goals should be a little bit scary (and also planned out). I’m optimistic that things have settled down enough in my life that this year I can get back into it. Plus, I have a more structured plan to carry it out. I’m so looking forward to 2015. I’m grateful to God for getting me through the last couple of years and I know things are going to look up in the coming year. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL! Please post your goals if you’ve made them!

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