• honeysucklefarm.ok@gmail.com

Friday Extra

Friday Extra

Happy Friday! I listened to a podcast episode today that I wanted to share with you to send you off into your Easter weekend celebrations. If you are your family’s keeper & teller of the stories, you may appreciate this podcast episode as much as I did. As I get older, I find myself thinking of my grandparents and great-grandparents more and more often and wishing I could speak to them again. As I gain more life experience, I appreciate who they were in their old age and I see their courage and wisdom more clearly. I understand better why they did the things they did. If this describes you as well, take a listen to The Moth. Their episode ‘The Wisdom of Elders’ is a great story and sometimes us storykeepers and storytellers need a chance to sit back and enjoy someone else’s story. So on this Friday, relax and enjoy a story. (And don’t worry, it doesn’t take a whole hour despite the name of the show. It only takes about 30 minutes.)

The Moth Radio Hour – The Wisdom of Elders

Wishing you all memorable celebrations of Christ’s ascension,

Lisa @ Days of Our Lives

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