At Honeysuckle Farm, LLC I sell handcrafted aromatherapy and other products. I also customize essential oil products for my customers based on their specific needs and goals. You can find the Honeysuckle Farm, LLC online store here.
Days of Our Lives is my genealogy blog that I've had for over 10 years where I write about mine and my husband's family histories. Through Honeysuckle Farm, LLC I offer customized family history research/writing packages for my customers. You can see examples of my writing by going to my family history blog here.
Ink & Perfume is my aromatherapy blog where I write about all things aromatherapy and Honeysuckle Farm, LLC.
While you're shopping online, take a look at my mom's ebay store. She sells interesting vintage items.
“We’re all pilgrims on the same journey – but some pilgrims have better road maps.” ~ Nelson DeMille I love maps. When Bart and I were young and poor I would drag out an atlas and “travel” with the maps to places I’d like to go one day. When today’s blog theme (‘maps’) came up, I was glad. I’ve been wanting to do this current maps project for a while but it never seems to rise to the top of the “priorities” list. I was happy to get to do it for today’s blog post. This is a much more simplified version of what I’d really like to do but anything more complicated would probably not translate well through these photos. “The reinvention of daily life means marching off the edge of our maps.” ~ Bob Black On a USA wall map I have at home, I charted the locations of my direct line DRAKE and direct line BATES families as well as Bart’s direct line WILLIAMS and direct line WOLF families. My direct line DRAKE’s are the black line stretching from NE Oklahoma/NW Arkansas to Virginia (the top black line going through Indiana and back south). My direct line BATES’ are the black line stretching from NW Arkansas to Virginia (the bottom black line going through Tennessee and the tip of Georgia and then back north). Bart’s direct line WILLIAMS’ is the red line stretching between Oklahoma and Kentucky (the line coming in from the western US and extending east to Kentucky). Bart’s direct line WOLF’s are the tiny red line up in Michigan. I put a circle around it so you could find it.
4-surname ancestral map. This is a fun exercise. I simplified it greatly for this blog post since not every ancestral line would fit in a way that you could make sense of all of them. Plus, I’d need a lot more marker colors to do them all! I confined the results to only one surname (and not including the lines that married into that surname) and the locations are approximate, not exact. I got them close but didn’t worry about precision this time. I also didn’t take into consideration migration routes- I just drew my lines “as the crow flies”. I hope you enjoy a simplified shot of an ancestral map done in this way. I encourage you to print off a US map this week and try it on one or two of your own surnames. Sometimes seeing your data in a different way solves problems you may be having in your research. Plus- it’s just fun! “Your goals are the road maps that guide you and show you what is possible for your life.” ~ Les Brown
Our winter store of Sassafras root. “You can sip it in the morning, sip it in the evening, Even at a quarter to three, cause I like sassafras, you like sassafras, we like sassafras tea.” ~ Stacey Dillsen, Zoey 101 Today’s theme is ‘beverage’. When I thought of beverage, I thought of Sassafras Tea. I love Sassafras Tea. Bart and I have some root stored up for use during the winter. We love to forage and it’s even better when we can go out and forage together. I often thought that perhaps this was the skill I “inherited” from my Native American ancestors. Then this summer I got to spend about 3 weeks in Georgia researching my family who came from there and I found information about how my Confederate Civil War ancestors often survived during the war by using their foraging skills. I found it fascinating. If you’d like to learn a little more history about Sassafras Tea that even includes information from Appalachian people who lived in the general area my ancestors came from in Georgia, you can go to Appalachian History. Here is some of the information I found during my research time in Georgia. This is from an account of a Confederate soldier I found in a book at the library in Rome, Georgia. (I think this was taken from the book: Some Recollections of the Civil War, by a private in the 40th GA Regiment, C.S.A.) “We were in East Tennessee during our first experience in marching and camping, and although no Federals were near, yet we had our pickets out on all the roads, probably more for the purposes of discipline than anything else, although there was a considerable Union element all through that section. “One day, a comrade asked and obtained leave from the officer in charge, (on condition we would divide), to go foraging. It was summertime and fruit was plentiful, and we soon came to a brick dwelling near a road nearly surrounded by a splendid orchard loaded with fine fruit. To go and ask for some of the fruit was our first impulse, but, then they might be Union folks and refuse. After discussing the matter pro and con, we finally agreed on a compromise; we would slip in at the back of the orchard and fill our haversacks (and stomachs) with fruit and then my comrade was to take the haversacks to a certain place and wait, while I would go round to the front of the house and, if anyone should be at home, I was to politely ask permission to get some fruit, etc. This plan seemed to have several advantages. In the first place, if no one was at home we would be excusable, for we couldn’t help it if the owner wasn’t there; then, if they granted us permission, we would know we hadn’t done anything wrong; and finally if they were Union people and refused to let us have any fruit, why we couldn’t stick it back on the trees and would be justified in considering it “contraband of war,” and take it into the camp. We carried out our plan, and I came to the front door and knocked. In a few moments a nice, benevolent-looking, sweet-faced old lady appeared, and making my best bow, cap in hand, I told her that myself and my comrade nearby were Southern soldiers, that our camp was not very far away, that we found camp fare rather dry and seeing her fine orchard of fruit, craved permission to get some to eat, etc. With a pleasant smile she replied promptly, “Why bless your heart! Go and get all you want.” Somehow my recollection is that I felt rather crestfallen and sheepish as I went back. “How completely all such compunctions of conscience were obliterated later on! At a later period in the war I was particeps criminis in a watermelon stea – forage incident – that will show how expert we became.” The story goes on to tell of a watermelon “foraging” outing but even more importantly it talks about how the soldiers obtained salt when there was no salt to be had. The Southern women who were nearby to the camps and taking care of the soldiers and the Southern women who sent/took goods to the soldiers would, when strapped for salt, dig up the dirt under an area where they had previously cured meats. They would boil the dirt down and strain out the salt. I would never have even thought to do this! It’s comforting to me to know how resourceful my ancestors were and that when I forage and continue my personal foraging education, I’m carrying on a tradition from both my Native American ancestors as well as the traditions and resourcefulness of the Confederate mothers who walked this earth before me. I hope that if I’m ever in a situation where I am in dire need of this type of resourcefulness and tenacity that I have the same grit and determination as these women! I hope I don’t let them down. I love these women for who they were. They didn’t sit down and cry- they pulled themselves up and did what it took to get through. I love that this is my heritage!! So today- whatever you may be going through- think about what your people before you went through. Had they given up- would you be here? Don’t give up! If you do, you may be giving up not only on yourself but on those generations that will come after you. The choices you make today may be the strength your children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren need for their tomorrows.
“Oh Lord, help me! It is false. I am clear. For my life now lies in your hands….” ~ Rebecca NURSE, hung for witchcraft in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692.
[Note to reader: On 3/5/2024 I updated this post due to some broken links and other issues. This is the updated version.]
Today’s theme is ‘cemetery’. In May of 2011 Bart and I traveled to Massachusetts for a few weeks. I never wanted to travel to the eastern part of the country. I don’t know why- I just didn’t. In 2011, I fell in love with it. It was probably the best trip we’ve taken. I was so fortunate to have enough time to really delve into the history of our families while I was there. One of the things I did while there was to visit Salem. I spent two or three days wandering the streets and learning the history.
In 1692 in Salem, Massachusetts many men and women were accused of witchcraft. Twenty of those people (both men and women) were tried, convicted, and executed. I believe (but I’m not certain because I’m depending on the research of others and I have not verified the research myself) that we have both an ancestor as well as another distant relative that were accused in the 1692 Salem witch trials but not executed. Below I will post my photos of the Salem Witch Memorial as well as some links to learn more about the memorial. I will post a photo of the indictment of Sarah BASSETT whom I believe I may be related to. I also believe I am related to Rebecca NURSE and her two sisters- Mary ESTY and Sarah CLOYSE, other accused Salem residents. If I can verify these relationships, we are related to these women through both the DRAKE and HUBBARD lines.
You can learn more about the Salem Witch Memorial at SalemWeb here and here.
Photos of some of the memorials.
Transcription of Sarah BASSETT’s indictment:
The Jurors for o’r Sov’r lord & Lady the King & Queen pr’sent The Sarah Bassett wife of William Bassett of Lyn in the County of Essex aforesaid Upon or about the 23’rd day of May last Anno: 1692 aforsaid And Divers other Days & Times as well before as after Certaine Detestable Arts Called Witchcraft & Sorceries Wickedly Mallitiously & felloniously hath used practised & Exercised at & in the Towne of Salem, in the County of Essex aforesaid Upon & Against One Mary Walcott of Salem Single Woman By Which Wicked Arts The Said Mary Walcott is Tortured aflicted Tormented Consumed Wasted & Pined the Day & yeare aforesaid & Divers other Days & times as well before as Contrary to the peace of o’r Sov’r lord & lady the King & Queen their Crowne & Dignity & the Laws in that Case made & provided Wittness An Putnam Marcy lewis
The three sisters – Mary ESTY (aka EASTY or EASTIE), Rebecca NURSE, and Sarah CLOYSE – were the daughters of William Towne, of Yarmouth, Norfolk County, New England. Mary was baptized on August 24, 1634, in Yarmouth. Sisters Rebecca Nurse and Sarah Cloyse were also accused of Witchcraft during the Salem outbreak, although there is ample evidence that all three of the sisters were innocent.
At the time of her questioning, ESTY was about 58 years old. She was married to Isaac ESTY, with whom she had seven children. Isaac owned a large, valuable farm. Mary’s examination followed the pattern of most in Salem: the girls had fits, they were speechless at times, and the magistrate reprimanded Mary for not confessing. He assumed her guilt based on the behavior of the “afflicted” girls.
Court: “How far have you complied with Satan?”
Mary: “Sir, I never complied with him but pray against him all my days. What would you have Easty do?”
Court: “Confess if you be guilty”
Mary: “I will say it, if it was my last time, I am clear of this sin.”
During the exam, when Mary ESTY clasped her hands together, the hands of Mary LEWIS (aka Marcy LEWIS, aka Mercy LEWIS – one of ESTY’s accusers) were clenched. When ESTY’s hands released, LEWIS released her hands. When ESTY inclined her head, the allegedly afflicted girls cried out that their necks were breaking.
ESTY was put in prison after her examination. For reasons no longer known, Mary ESTY was discharged after spending two months in prison. She and her family thought the ordeal was over and Mary was now safe. They couldn’t have been more wrong. The “afflicted” girls increased their efforts to get Mary put back in prison and they succeeded. On the 20th of May, Mary LEWIS spent the entire day experiencing severe fits and saying she was being strangled. Several of the other “afflicted” girls said it was ESTY afflicting Mary LEWIS. LEWIS drew a large crowd over her “fits”. That evening, another warrant was issued for Mary ESTY’s arrest. At midnight, after experiencing two days of liberty and being reunited with her family, Mary was raised from her sleep by the marshal, torn from her husband and children, and taken back to prison where she was put in chains. Of course, once ESTY was back in prison, LEWIS’ fits stopped.
Mary ESTY was condemned to death on September 9th and executed on September 22nd, despite pleas to the court to reconsider and not spill any more innocent blood. The court had long since ceased to pay any attention to anything that was said by the condemned. Mary’s final conversations with her family were said to have been “as serious, religious, distinct, and affectionate as could be expressed, drawing tears from the eyes of almost all present.” On the gallows, she prayed for an end to the witch hunt. (
In November after Mary ESTY’s execution, Mary HERRICK testified that ESTY’s apparition visited her and told her she’d been wrongfully executed and was innocent of witchcraft, and that she’d come back for vindication. Years later, ESTY’s family was compensated with 20 pounds from the government for ESTY’s “wrongful execution.” (
If You Ever Get to Salem
I hope you’ve enjoyed this. If you ever get to Salem, take time to look around the cemeteries and memorials. They’re very interesting.
After asking a lot of locals and doing some research I *think* this is where the Salem witch hangings took place. I could be wrong but this is as close as I could get in the three days I was there. It’s a local park now.
UPDATE: I’ve added an addendum post to this. You can view it here.
Until next time, Lisa @ Days of Our Lives
In early blog posts, I didn’t record my sources. Since I had to update this post, I tried to re-locate the sources I used and document them here for you.
“Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind- or forgotten.” ~ Lilo, Lilo and Stitch Today’s blog post will be a near-wordless post. Enjoy the photos.
Drake cousins. Top row left to right: Chris Bennett and Rick Drake. Third row left to right: Cortney Drake, Richard Allen Drake, Brad Rooks, Lisa Drake, and Robert Drake. Second row left to right: Jared Drake, Mark Drake, Gina Drake. Bottom row left to right: Rodney Drake, Angie Drake.
Bates siblings.
Derek & Shaina- 2008, Pensacola, Florida.
My family. Back row: Derek Williams, Lisa Williams, Bart Williams holding Ashton Easter, Timmy Easter. Front row: Melissa Williams, Shaina Easter.
My boys. Ashton, Theodore, August holding Foster.
My family. Top row: Ryan Schreiber, Melissa Schreiber, Ashton Easter, Joyce Williams, Bart Williams Sr., Shaina Easter. Bottom row: Bart Williams Jr. holding August Williams, Lisa Williams holding Theodore Easter.
Reunion. Back row: Sheila Larkin, Michael Kornblum, Gladys Larkin, ?, Bart Williams, Susan Drake, Mechelle Wise, Richard Drake, Rick Drake, Pamela Bennett, Chris Bennett, J. R. Bennett, Connie Drake, Max Drake, Kay Drake, ?. Bottom row: Ray Larkin, ?, Lisa Williams, ?, Juni Larkin, Barbara Larkin, Carl Larkin, Christin Bennett, Roy Drake holding ?, ? (Denise Larkin?).
Today’s theme is ‘antique’. That’s like saying “go search for Sam Williams”. WHICH ONE??? I go from “almost impossible” (‘sky’ theme) to “the world is available” (‘antique’ theme). Feast or famine, I guess. Today’s antique is something my grandma (Audrey DRAKE- ‘Mam’) made. I believe this one was made in the late 1980’s but I can’t be sure. I also have some individual blocks that I framed. They were supposed to be coasters but I wanted to keep them from getting stained so I framed them.
Crochet runner made by Audrey DRAKE.
Mam- Audrey DRAKE Over the years I’ve acquired a variety of homemade items. Mam often made things for Christmas, weddings, etc. I have several pieces she’s done. Somewhere packed away I also have a doll that Bess LARKIN crocheted for me. I have several quilts that hold special meaning. Some were made by Jessie BATES (‘Granny’) for me, some were made with individual blocks she made but never put into a quilt or with extra fabric she had on hand when she died. I have quilts Kay DRAKE (‘Mom’) made, quilts that Joyce WILLIAMS (my mother-in-law) made, and quilts I’ve made and not given away. I have paintings that Becky DRAKE has done and given me, things my kids and Melissa SCHREIBER (my daughter-in-law) have made for me, things my nieces and nephew and Jared DRAKE (my brother) have made, etc. I love these items dearly. Each of these items is very special to me. Each time the items are used or viewed I remember the person who made them and what that person means to me.
Framed quilt block. Block was made by Granny.
Jessie BATES- Granny Some of my favorite Christmases were the ‘handmade Christmases’ we had at my Mom and Dad’s house. Everyone should give that a try at least once. I need to start labeling my treasured items soon so if I should die at least people will know what each item is and why it’s special. This is a task Becky and I have talked about doing for a while now. We need to get moving on it! I encourage each of you to post a photo of one homemade item you treasure and why it’s special to you. You may be the only one on earth who knows the significance of a particular piece. Mark your items this week whether you do it by video, by photograph, in writing- however you choose to do it. Make plans for who will get the item when you pass and make your wishes known. If you don’t make plans for your special items they may end up in the trash when you die if for no other reason than no one else recognizes what those items are. Enjoy your week and get busy with your ‘assigned task’.
Today’s theme is ‘sky’. Think about that for a minute…because I’ve thought about it for 2 days! This is a tough one. It required some creativity. I’m going to present several stories, not a lot of proof, possibly some photos, and a little bit of “this is what I’ve been told”. I think you will enjoy it though. IT’S JUST A BUNCH OF BAD ACTING! – Eugene DRAKE and Bessie WILLIAMS LARKIN Eugene (“Gene”) and Audrey DRAKE were my grandparents and Bess was my great-grandmother. In the latter years of her life, Bessie lived with Gene and Audrey. Bess loved luchador-style wrestling- masks, theatrics, stage names- the whole nine yards. She loved it. And Gene? He loved antagonizing his mother-in-law! (It’s the DRAKE sense of humor- we kind of can’t help it!) Gene would let Bess turn on wrestling and then he’d start in on her about how it was all fake. She would retort that it was real and the fight was on. I don’t know how Gene really felt about the wrestling but I know he loved picking on Bess. The more he’d antagonize her the more riled up she’d get. My mom remembers times that she would be sitting on the couch next to Gene and he’d nudge mom with his elbow and very softly say, “Watch this.” Then he would start rooting for the wrestler that was opposing the one Bess was rooting for and he’d start smack-talking Bess’s wrestler. Mom said it would really get her going and Gene would be on the couch laughing the whole time.
Photo of a photo of Bess LARKIN, Audrey DRAKE, and I think the guy is Ray LARKIN.
Gene and Audrey DRAKE.
Blue Sky luchador mask REACH FOR THE SKY, PILGRIM! – William DRAKE and John Beason DRAKE Remember Willard Drake who went to Leavenworth? William was his dad and my 3rd great-grandfather. William is said to have been a law enforcement officer at Oak Grove, Oklahoma. (Information supplied by Kerry Langstaff.) I haven’t been able to verify that. I do know that I’m not aware of William living near Oak Grove, Oklahoma but he did live close to Oak Grove, Missouri in 1870. I’m still trying to find some kind of proof for his work as a Constable or Deputy. John Beason DRAKE was William DRAKE’s grandson (son of Poppy Lon- my 2nd great-grandfather). John was an officer in Southwest City, Missouri.
DISAPPEARED INTO THIN AIR! – Bessie WILLIAMS LARKIN’s Family is Gone Like Yesterday! My final short short story is about Bess’s family. I’m hoping that someone will find some information about them. Bess’s family has been so hard to trace. Her maiden name is WILLIAMS. Add that to the fact that she was married multiple times and then add to that commonplace first names and you’ve got a recipe for going nowhere fast! Over the past three decades I’ve been able to identify Bess’s dad and paternal grandfather but it’s been tough going and it’s only been recently that I’ve been able to find information about them beyond names. The WILLIAMS’ are still very much a mystery to me. Bess’s mom’s last name is BELL. It’s still a fairly common name and the problem with a last name like BELL is that it was also a common first and middle name as well as a noun (as in “ring the bell”). All of those things add up to another very difficult family to research. I have identified Bess’s mom, maternal grandparents, and one set of maternal great-grandparents but have not been able to identify anyone in her line beyond that. So just in case y’all feel like doing a little research, Bess’s parents are Samuel Morris WILLIAMS born April, 1864 in Illinois. Up until this year I believed he had died in 1905. That’s what Mam (Audrey) told me and that was the accepted family history among older family members. However, this year I discovered information indicating he did not, in fact, die but rather ran off and left his wife and kids. Samuel’s dad was John WILLIAMS (1840-1904). Bess’s mom was Eliza Emoline BELL (born July, 1871 in Roubidoux, Texas, Missouri and died in 25 February 1934 in Upton, Texas, Missouri). Eliza’s parents were Quincy Adam BELL (1825-1902) and Emily MOODY BELL (born in Missouri) OR Elizabeth Emoline STEPHENSON (1844-1897) (I’m not sure which one or they might even be the same person). Quincy’s parents were John BELL (1795-1848) and Sarah HARDIN (1806-1896). I would love for you all to join in the search. One additional thing. I’d love for you all to consider taking a DNA test to contribute to advancing the family genealogy. If you’re interested but have questions, message me and I’ll be glad to help if I can. I just ordered my test a few days ago and I’m looking forward to getting my results.
In my Granny’s later years she had age-related dementia. I would sometimes go over and sit with her a few hours or take care of her overnight when needed. During those times that I stayed with her she often doled out advice. September 21, 2010 was one of those times she gave me some advice. I was caring for her at her house. She thought I was a Meals-on-Wheels person and that we were at her work. (I’m not sure why since we weren’t doing anything that could be considered work but such is the nature of dementia.) On that day she told me, “If you listen and keep your mouth shut, you learn things- and nobody can say anything bad about you if you keep your mouth shut!” She was 97 years old at that time.
Granny on the day she made the quote above. In this photo we were sitting on her front porch enjoying the weather and sunshine and talking. She was a smart woman. One thing I’ve told my daughter often is to keep her mouth shut at work especially until she knows everyone. The people who are quickest to screw you over are the same ones who are quickest to be your friend at work. I hate that this is true. Wouldn’t life be so much nicer and easier if we could just be friends, support and encourage one another, and depend on each other? This week, love your neighbor like you love yourself. Be nice, do nice, speak nice. (Grammar police- just keep going. I already know that wasn’t grammatically correct. lol) I’m going to try especially hard this week to do the same.
Today’s theme is ‘document’ and we’ll be looking at documentation for my Nation American heritage. My 3rd great-grandfather was Jefferson LATTY. (For my family, the line goes from Granny BATES to her mom Laura BULLOCK to Laura’s mom Druziller Mahala LATTY to Druziller’s dad Jefferson LATTY. Researchers believe that Jefferson’s wife, Irena WALLS, was also Native American- 1/8 Cherokee and 1/8 Catawba- but I have not seen any kind of proof for that. Jefferson was Cherokee and was censused with his family on the Drennen Roll. The Drennen Roll was called the “Trail of Tears” census. Some believe this census was a list of those who walked the Trail of Tears but no evidence has been found to prove this is true. It was the first census of the Native Americans after the Trail of Tears happened. Jefferson was living in Saline District, Indian Territory at the time of the census and was living with A-ke, and Na-ne LATTY. If all my records were not packed away I think I could tell you who A-ke was. I believe Na-ne was his mom but couldn’t be certain until I get my hands on those records I have packed away. They were living near the TINER (also spelled TYNER) family who intermarried with LATTY’s and were also living near Allen, David, Diver, and Peggy LATTY. I know Peggy and Allen were siblings of Jefferson’s. I cannot remember the connection with David and Diver. (I really need to unpack all that genealogy so I can share it with you!)
Jefferson is toward the bottom in the left hand column. Jefferson gave testimony in front of the Commission regarding his Native American heritage but he was not given a roll number. I can’t remember if the reason was that his sister had previously given testimony to the Commission that he was dead and somehow that was used against him or if it was because he did not still live in Indian Territory when roll numbers were issued. When I can find his testimony I will definitely update you on that. Jefferson lived in the Saline District. You can see the old Saline District Courthouse for yourself. It’s in the country near Rose, Oklahoma. They have been restoring it for some time now with the hopes of opening it to the public. It’s a beautiful and peaceful place. You can also read about the Saline Courthouse Massacre here.
You can see more photos of the courthouse and get directions to find it here. A few more facts about Jefferson Jefferson was born in Tennessee around 1832. He married Irena WALLS in 1856 and they had five known children. He fought for the Confederates in the Civil War.
Fold3 image of service record. He died in 1892 and is said to be buried in Jane Cemetery in Jane, McDonald County, Missouri but I have not found his grave or definitive proof he is buried there. I hope you’ve enjoyed learning about Jefferson. He’s someone I’d really love to know more about. Sure would be nice if we could somehow prove our Cherokee heritage (and/or our Catawba/Cherokee heritage through his wife.) Maybe one day we’ll get there. If you want to help advance our family history please consider taking a DNA test. I recommend Family Tree DNA since they only require a cheek swab (much better for people with certain illnesses/conditions and older people since we don’t produce enough spit to fill a tube) and they don’t sell you DNA to big pharma and research companies. The tests are on sale right now and will likely go on sale again around Christmas. If you are interested, please let me know. I’d be glad to help you get started on that path to helping advance our family’s genealogy.
It’s been a long, hard day so I’m going to make this one fairly short. The theme today is ‘green’. I thought of talking about green living as in ‘foraging’ and I thought of a couple other aspects of green today that I can no longer remember (don’t judge- it’s been a rough day!). In the end, what I want to talk about is Army green. It’s Veteran’s Day. I want to thank my Dad for his service during Vietnam and to thank my mom for sticking with him during this time. Lots of women didn’t do that for their men.
My dad in uniform. While I’m saying thanks, I’d like to include my father-in-law for his service in the Air Force.
My father-in-law in uniform. Thank you both! Freedom is a beautiful thing. Bart and I love all four of you.