Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing? Or, Don’t Judge a Book By It’s Cover?
We all have at least one moment in our lives where we made a bad decision. We did something we wish we hadn't- made a decision, took an action, whatever it might be. Or we feel we made the right decision/action but the consequences and resulting reactions were far from what we intended or wanted. Unfortunately in life, a do-over is rare. Having said that, I present to you this week's transcription.
The Tri-State Tribune
PIcher, Ottawa County, Oklahoma
Thursday, May 9, 1946
[Article title has been cut off on my copy]
Rev. Hildred R. O'Dell of Lebanon, MO., charged with embezzlement of funds from the Gospel tabernacle, his former pastorate, is in the Laclede county jail after his arrest at Treece, Kans., Monday.
The 45-year-old minister was arrested by Sheriff M. S. Harley and Deputy Sheriff Art Bray, who had picked up an order from the Kansas State highway patrol. He signed a waiver of extradition and was taken to Joplin, where Sheriff Eldridge Simmons of Laclede county took him into custody.
O'Dell is charged with having withdrawn $2,000 in funds from a Lebanon bank April 26, the same day he resigned as pastor of the 30 member congregation where he had served for nine years.
This week we'll take a look at Reverend Hildred R. O'Dell as well as the law enforcement officers- M. S. Harley, Art Bray, and Eldridge Simmons.