• honeysucklefarm.ok@gmail.com

Category: Oklahoma County Oklahoma

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Week 16 Blog Schedule

So much has happened in the last few weeks!  After spring break, school was back in session for one week.  The two weeks following that one, the teachers were on a walkout and I (along with about 40,000-50,000 fellow teachers from across the state) spent almost all of that week in Oklahoma City at the capitol building talking to legislators about funding for education.  The next week I spent one day at the capital but had to take the rest of the week at home trying to get taxes together, prescriptions filled, bills paid, and all the things that hadn’t gotten done while I was busy in Oklahoma City (and my fellow teachers continued on at the capitol).  This week we’re set to return to school.  I’ll go back to the capital once about every 2 weeks with a delegate committee to continue our business there.  Meanwhile, Bart was in Baytown, Texas from about the end of February through the end of March.  He then went from Baytown, Texas to New Orleans, Louisiana for a week.  I sure wish I could have gone there!  He flew in yesterday evening.  He’ll have about 8 more weeks on his work season and then we can begin summer vacation!  I’m looking forward to finishing the last 5 weeks of school and then taking a break.
I’m going to attempt a couple of short blog posts this week.  Our school days have been extended so that we don’t have to add days to the end of the year which means I won’t have as much time to research or write for the next 5 weeks.  This week’s schedule looks like this:
Tuesday:     A short surprise blog post that I’m not ready to announce yet.
Friday:       Friday I will blog but again, I’m not ready to announce the topic. Sorry!
Any extra blog posts I do will be posts that further the series’ I’ve already started about John BATES or Quincy BELL, or about contact I had recently with a genealogy researcher in Belgium, or about my recent teacher walkout experience.  I can’t wait to write all of these posts for you!
Until then, enjoy your week!
Lisa @ Days of Our Lives

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